
We do not sell vouchers; all jumps must be purchased via the Event Organiser.


Republic of Ireland: The cost per jump in the Republic of Ireland is €95 (includes membership and insurance). If a person jumps more than once on the same day, the cost is €95 per subsequent jump. All subsequent payments must be made in cash.

Northern Ireland: The cost per Jump in Northern Ireland is £60 plus VAT (includes membership and insurance). If a person jumps more than once on the same day, the cost is £60 plus VAT for subsequent jumps. All subsequent payments must be made in cash.

Health and Safety

If you have any of the following conditions, you cannot jump:

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Condition
  • Suffer from Dizziness
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Asthma
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Artificial Plastic / Glass Eyes
  • Prosthetic Limbs (N.B. if your prosthetic limb is from the knee or elbow down, it is highly likely we can jump you in a full body harness, however a decision will be made on the day of the jump, our Jump-Masters decision is final).

If you suffer from any of the following, please seek medical advice before you plan to jump, damage to your…

  • Neck
  • Back
  • Legs
  • Eyes

Other FAQs

  • Drinking small amounts of alcohol before a jump is permitted, but we reserve the right to refuse anyone permission to jump. 
  • Drugs and Alcohol (please inform us if you are taking any form of medication.
  • Alcohol – if you appear intoxicated, you cannot jump. The Jumpmaster’s decision is final.
  • No under 14’s.
    • 14 & 17-year-olds require a parent or guardian’s permission and signature.
  • Over 50’s are required to have a doctor’s certificate to comply with our insurance regulations.
  • Glasses and hard contact lenses cannot be worn.
  • You must read the health restrictions notice. (Available at check in, during the event).
  • You must sign a waiver to comply with our insurance.
  • You are weighed twice and re-checked twice by two separate staff members.
  • You are fitted with an ankle harness along with a secondary waist harness.
  • You can jump in a full body harness if requested.
  • You can jump over an airbag or water (when available).